
Please pay in full at time of booking. If we have made a specific arrangement by email, the choose the schedule without paying option.

  • Birth Charts

    • Natal Chart

      1 hour @ $225.00

      This one hour session will offer an overview of personality characteristics, and strengths and weaknesses, as described by your date, place and time of birth. Profession, family, health, love, money, past lives, creativity and spiritual ...

    • Natal Chart for Children

      1 hour @ $225.00

      This one hour session gives a wonderful perspective for you as the parent helping to understand the needs and temperament of your child. (14 years and under)

    • Natal Charts for Families

      1 hour @ $250.00

      A one hour session to help you understand your interpersonal dynamics with one other family member.

    • Complete Natal Package

      1 hour @ $775.00

      Five one hour sessions that will cover your basic personality in great depth. Discussions of your Sun, Moon, Ascendant and the psychological and archetypal themes along with life purpose, relationships, and soul's path are discussed. Pl ...

    Compatibility Charts

    • Compatibility Chart Reading

      1 hour @ $250.00

      A one hour in-depth analysis of the interrelations of any two individuals, whether business, family, friends, or lovers. The session will cover communication styles, life-style issues, past life connections, intimacy needs, and sexualit ...

    Death Charts

    • Death Chart

      1 hour @ $225.00

      A one hour session for anyone with lingering grief or unresolved questions about the loss of a loved one. Using the date, place and time of death for your loved one you will learn about the moment of their passing, and your path toward ...

    • Death Chart Package

      1 hour @ $525.00

      Three one hour meetings discussion the birth chart, death chart of the beloved and the path forward for you. Please book all three meetings, two weeks apart.

    Future Forecasts

    • One Year Forecast

      1 hour @ $225.00

      Starting with an overview of the next couple years, this session includes a focus on periods of time during the coming year, focusing on the cycles and influences you will experience.

    • Comprehensive Yearly Forecast

      1 hour @ $625.00

      Four - one hour sessions scheduled quarterly to discuss current themes and cycles. This is designed to help you make informed decisions and plan for the immediate future. Please book all four sessions now, spacing them every three month ...

    • Mid-year Update

      30 minutes @ $125.00

      A half-hour session designed to look at the next six months with more clarity or to answer specific questions.

    • Five Year Overview

      1 hour @ $225.00

      A one hour, year by year description of the coming influences about work, love, health and personal growth. This session includes highlights of each year, and a long-term perspective.


    • Mentoring Package

      5 hours @ $500.00

      Five one-hour meetings focusing on chart interpretation, consultations skills and business planning. Please book these every two weeks, or once a month depending on your preference.

    • Mentoring for chart preparation

      30 minutes @ $80.00

      A half-hour session for any practicing astrologer who wants guidance with chart interpretation

    • Mentoring for depth chart preparation

      1 hour @ $150.00

      A one hour session helping to understand a specific client chart.